So lately I’ve been a busy little bee…
I now have 8 hours left in Law School. And next year should be a bit lighter. I’m registered for classes and they start up in about 3 weeks. But, if you factor in that I only have one free weekend in that time frame (which will probably involve studying for the Ethics part of the TN bar that I’m taking on August 8th) and that I work the other 5 days of the week. It feels like I’m starting tomorrow. Since I did get all of the classes I wanted, my schedule will lighten up tremendously the first of Nov. which I have decided is a great thing and almost a sign from God. I say this because some of the things that were on my list to do this summer involved working on the yard a bit. Considering the heat, and that I want to replant some bushes and things, the first of November will be perfect. I LOVE fall!!! I can already imagine the crispness of the air, and how nice it will be outside. Much better than puddling in the sweat in the July and August Hotness.
I haven’t been running, school schedule and heat have put the brakes on that for a while. But I’m trying to get active again and I’m working up to starting back.
We had a momma cat drop off a baby kitten and not come back last Thursday. I took him to the vet the next morning after his dead beat mom didn’t show back up for him to see if anyone could take him. The girl that usually takes the orphaned babies was not going to be in until the next day. So I had to take him back to our house. Let me just tell you, bottle feeding an abandoned animal is not as fun, or as cute as it sounds. It was definitely not something Matt or I wanted to do for an extended period of time. The milk had to be just right. If it was the slightest bit too cold, like Goldilocks, he would refuse it. But once you got that temperature right, he would latch on and suck it down. He had to be fed every 4 hours, his eyes and ears had not opened yet, his little umbilical cord had not yet fallen off, and I’m pretty sure that Hans and Meeper (our two other grown cats) would have killed it if they’d had the chance. They would hiss, growl, snarl, and puff up at the mewing little kitten. Seriously… Hans has cat toys bigger than this little guy. And, I’m pretty sure that Meeper thought it was Satan in the flesh, and she was pissed that it was in HER house. We named it Baby Nacho (after Nacho Libre, it’s a long story) and it survived the 30 hours it was at our house. Matt and I had one goal… Keep it alive until the Vet Clinic opens tomorrow. A very nice lady at the Southside Vet Clinic took the kitten and he was being made over by all the staff when Matt left. If anyone is interested in adopting him or her (I say him, but I really have no idea what it was) they can go by Southside Vet Clinic in Clarksville on Hwy 48 in a few weeks.
Here’s a picture of Baby Nacho. And no its not your contacts or computer screen the picture is really blurring but you get the idea.
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