Monday, October 22, 2012

Grand Tour

As some of you know we are in the process of building a house. On my facebook page I have posted several pictures of the building process. The amount of decisions have been overwhelming this week. I think I finally have chosen where all the plugs, switches, and lights should be. All of these decisions made while trying to consider and picture cabinets we don't have, ovens we don't have, beds, furniture, and appliances we don't have. And all their placements of course. whew! It was a lot. On Friday I had the mission of finding bathtubs and a fireplace. Bath tubs... check. Fireplace... I'll have a check next to it by monday. Today we looked at TV's and gadget for placing the TV above the fireplace. Had to get the dimensions for whatever size TV we might plan to have one day. Then we went to look at flooring and prices for hardwood and tile. Now... to decide which rooms to put those two in and how much will it all cost, and will it be in our budget?

Anyhow... here is the grand tour as of this evening.

Tour of the house in progress from Shelby Silvey on Vimeo.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Saturday my husband wanted to go to Ocktoberfest in historic Germantown Nashville. Margaux had a blast. She loved all the dogs and the people and music. We were stopped frequently for folks to comment on the red hair. One of the bands played "tomorrow" and announced her as the cutest red head and an Annie look alike. As we were leaving meltdown ensued, but we were all ready to go.

Monday, October 8, 2012

30 weeks

30 Weeks with Baby Boy

Well... here it is 10 weeks and counting. I go to the doctor next week and I have worked all weekend to start making room in our bedroom for the bassinet and some of baby boys things. I'm going to keep at it because I know as bad as I ache now... Unfortunately... I'm probably going to ache worse in the next few weeks.
I have been way more emotional this pregnancy and I think some parts of it are due to increased discomfort so early. Belly and "My your big" comments have bothered me tremendously. I've bit my tongue, but the lady at the court house that said, "I can't imagine what your going to look like in 10 more weeks," almost got a taste of the attitude I'm controlling. Most the time I just say "yeah... I'm big" and keep going. I hate the question, "When are you due?" because I never know if the next response is going to make me want to punch someone. I wonder if the District Attorney would make me burn my one Pre-trial diversion if I did?
Margaux on left/ Baby Boy on right

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