Christmas is just around the corner! And I'm no where near as prepared as I have been in the past. I feel bad, but my husband is getting basically the same thing he got from me last year. And I have sewing that I really need to do for some other presents for my nephews. I have managed to get Matt and I's non-breakable ornaments for this year.
This year a friend of mine from high school that blogs, had a post that describes exactly why I pride myself on my shatter proof tree. Originally the need for eliminating the glass from the tree was
because my cats, but I had the child friendly plus in mind too. This year we are adding two giant felt Christmas balls.
Now if I can just find one that my little gray cat is not tempted to chew on, I'll be set. I can't keep that cat from gnawing on my damn tree. She managed to chew through the cord on my pre-lit tree, so Matt had to fix it. Little stinker! I'm just glad it was not like the movie "Christmas Vacation"… "fried pussy cat".
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