Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Well, Margaux was baptized last weekend. It was such a great service to have her baptism in. It was youth Sunday and most of the service was carried out by the youth group. Margaux was so good. I had been very nervous she was going to cry or get fussy, however she was an angel. She slept through the whole service including her baptism. Mommy on the other hand cried several times.

All the little children came and gathered around the front for the baptism. Little precious 4 and 5 year olds. The congregation was charged with helping raise Margaux as a Christian, and then the little ones were asked to help. The preacher asked them to promise to play with her, pick her up when she falls down, and tell her about Jesus. Yep… I started crying. I had also been under the impression that Margaux was going to get a little trickle of water on her head. So I was really surprised when there was a good handful of water used. My mother in law said my face was priceless. Water ran down Margaux’s face and she wiggled, but stayed asleep. I noticed water in her little ears when we returned to our seats. Matt commented we wouldn’t have to bathe her for a few days now. And also that apparently it takes a lot of water to keep the devil away :) The youth also chose to play the George Strait song “I saw God today” in the service. Yep… more crying. Margaux didn’t wake up until the very end (that is why she is awake for the pictures). It was so wonderful to have everyone pray for my little one, and send her blessings.


Mary Ellen Luther said...

So sweet and a GREAT pic!!!!!


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