Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March- in like a lamb!

It’s been awhile, but we haven’t had too much going on around our house. Margaux has begun coming to the office with me a bit more lately, maybe once a week on a day that is slow. She does really well, I think she misses all the toys she has at home, but we make due. Her little tooth is showing more and more everyday, and she has a lot of new friends that have been born recently, and more on the way in the next few months.

Matt is working really hard lately and doesn’t get home till after she has gone to bed most nights of the week. It’s pretty tough on him, but we are definitely able to put back some money.

I recently took a knitting class with some girlfriends for a monthly girls’ night. It was fun. I’m attempting to complete my scarf. At this rate it may be finished by next winter. I’m going to keep at it though. The knitting teachers found our group to be quite funny. We picked and joked the whole time, and had a blast. We've all decided we are going to have wonderfully jacked up scarves next winter.

We have added 2 more ewes and their twins (yes 4 lambs) to our flock of sheep. Apparently someone we know was looking to downsize his numbers and they came to live with us. I just go with it. The new mommas are named Dolly Pardon and Carrie Underwool. Dolly is SUPER sweet, and ends up competing with our other love bunny Sally Pearl for attention. Matt will be working on some fencing and farm projects on his upcoming spring break. An attorney I work with’s daughter is going to show one of the lambs in the 4-H sheep show this summer, so they came out to look at the girls. Of course, of all the times to have a birds and bees moment on the farm, a bull and a heifer got their freak on right there in front of his innocent sweet little girls. All we could do was laugh (aren’t we mature).

Here’s a video of the climbing bouncing lambs.

Lambs Are Too Cute! from Shelby Silvey on Vimeo.



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