Coming right along at 34 weeks
So here we are at week 34. The Doctor visit last week went just fine. They estimate that she weighs around 5 lbs 1 oz and will start putting on her baby fat. Let's hope not too much. She has gotten into the right position. Her head is down (I can feel it mostly above my left hip and the bottom left side of my belly) and her feet and bottom are up. We could see on the ultrasound that she is practicing her breathing really well. Her whole chest was contracting with her little practice breaths. She is definitely getting pretty cramped up in there. We couldn't see much hair. I think she is only going to have little wispy peach fuzz. I've been having dreams that she looks like her daddy. Dark brown hair and blue eyes (Matt's eyes are actually green, but ehhh… a light color, close enough). I can't wait to see if she has red hair or dark hair. I'm still feeling good for the most part. I get a little worn out every now and then. Last week I was real tired in the evenings, and on the weekends I seem to do a lot more and wear out much earlier.
For some reason this weekend it hit me that "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING!!" Yes, I know everything will be fine. But I'm such a planner and I can't plan for any of the things that are about to happen. It's going to be exciting, and tiring, and overwhelming. But it is also going to be wonderful, and beautiful, and loving.
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