Thursday, January 19, 2012

while your waiting for a good blog

I know, I know. I really am behind and I haven't even posted any Christmas info yet, but I've been super busy. Then sick with the terrible stomach bug that is going around. Then busy again. I'll get to it soon. Promise!

Hand print tree for the Grandparents for Christmas 2012. Matt's hand, my hand, then Margaux's on top.

Scrappy Valentine's Day wreath made out of scraps I had.

braided scarf now a girls night project for February with my Bunco Group.

toy bucket made by request for a baby shower gift. The Zebra was a Christmas gift of Margaux's and was used for photo purposes only.


Unknown said...

Love the Bunco scarf idea!!! I'm holding a craft day for my alumn Adpi girls! I may have to pinterest on how to make that scarf :D You are oh so crafty!


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