Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's a Biltmore Birthday

Matt and I went to Pigeon Forge and Asheville for the weekend to celebrate my birthday.

We did some holiday and personal shopping at the outlet mall in Pigeon Forge on Friday. Matt got some fancy duds to wear while he does his student teaching. He dressed up in some of them this week, and I have to say, “My husband is Hot!” We topped the day off with dinner at the Apple Barn. We ate till we were stuffed. Then we headed on to Asheville on Saturday.

It was bitterly cold when we woke up on Saturday, but we wrapped up well. I didn’t feel really well on Saturday, but it didn’t slow us down too much. We began the Biltmore trip by going to the Winery and the Farm. We showed up at just the right time, because there was no line at the Winery we headed right in. We toured, I wine tasted, and then we bought ourselves some goodies. I got a bottle of their specialty Christmas wine. The art on the bottle was a gorgeous print of the house covered with snow. I’m going to have to figure out a way to save it.

Next we went to the Farm and looked around at all the antique farm equipment. Matt and I watched a really talented Blacksmith put on a demonstration that we really enjoyed. He made a leaf and he also played the anvil. I had no idea that an anvil would ring like bells. We also played with the animals at the little petting zoo they had.

That evening we went on the Christmas Candlelight tour of the Biltmore. (below is a link, with a little video you can watch about the tour if you want. It will be on the right hand side of the page) It was absolutely beautiful. They had all the fireplaces lit, and there were elaborate Christmas trees and decorations in all the rooms.


We went back to the Biltmore on Sunday to walk the gardens, visit the conservatory and take another tour. The extra tour had a guide and was really informative. It was worth every penny. Matt and I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned more about the house and its history. The weather on Sunday was much warmer and I felt a lot better. Our tour included some rooms that are still being restored and will be open to the public in April of 2009. It also took us to part of the roof top and two balconies. We did a final lap around the main floor of the house before leaving to see the rooms in the daylight. We did notice things we had missed the night before, but the dramatic effect of the crackling fire was definitely missed.

I had a wonderful birthday trip and we really did have some great husband and wife time. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Matt and Shelby

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My friend Fran sent me this today, so I thought I'd play along

Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be a Scrooge!!! Just copy (not forward) this entire email and paste into a new email that you can send. Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then send to a whole bunch of people you know, including the person that sent it to you...Tis the season to be NICE!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper, Matt and I are trying to go greener for the Holidays, so we will be using newspaper a lot this year for the family presents.

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial pre-lit

3. When do you put up the tree? around Thanksgiving sometimes before sometimes after

4. When do you take the tree down? New Years or a little after. Matt loves the tree, and so does Hans (the big cat)

5. Do you like eggnog? I can handle a little bit, but its awfully thick and gets hard to swallow.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Cricket doll when I was in kindergarten. The funny thing is it didn’t work and Mom had to take it back. I don’t remember how she explained that one.

7. Hardest person to buy for? My grandparents, and my parents. But the niece and nephews are getting harder.

8. Easiest person to buy for? Ms. Molly (mother in law)

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, my mom bought me one last year I think.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I can’t remember any certain one in particular.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? The ELF, I seriously love the feeling I get after watching this movie. I want to give someone a hug.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I’ve learned its easier if a keep my eye out all year round. But I would guess I do the most, immediately after Christmas (for the next year) and October.

14. Do you put lights on the outside of your house? No, I put wreaths in the windows, but that’s about it.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Mulled cider, I know that is a drink but that’s what I look forward to.

16. Lights on the tree? Yes, White lights

17. Favorite Christmas Song? Mariah Carrey’s all I want for Christmas. (I hate to admit it that I actually like a MC song)

18. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? The farthest we go is Cheatham about 25 minutes away. I wouldn’t exactly call that traveling, but this year we are going to pick up my niece and nephews right after Christmas. Good thing Matt has gotten over the 4 hour airport and plane ride we did with the 3 kids last time. Because this is going to be about 6 hours in the car with them.

19. Can you name all of Santa's Reindeer? Yes

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Gold Star, I love it.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning? Open Christmas Eve for me and Matt and my family. Christmas morning with Matt’s family

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? People going crazy and standing in line for material things. Some people stand in line for a hot meal and we have angry women that try to run you over with carts at target for a toy.

23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Gold and red, put I’ve seen a lot of contemporary color combos that are spectacular.

24. Favorite ornament? A wooden white church.

25. Favorite for Christmas Dinner? What ever is served.

26. What do you want for Christmas this year? Rest and maybe a new iPod

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

one year closer to joining the AARP.

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been noticing that my hair was in desperate need of a trim. I’ve been trying to let it grow, so every time I would go get my hair cut; I would ask her to leave the length and just trim up the layers.

Well during some of my riveting classes (please notice this is sarcasm because I’m not that big of a nerd), I have begun twiddling with my hair. Which of course lead to the noticing of is scraggly state. And last night I noticed a long solid white strand of hair. Just in time for my birthday, which is just around the corner. I’d be lying if I said that I’ve never found a white hair before, but they are definitely rare. Well, anyhow, my sister has been known to find one or two so I thought I would share the newsflash with her. The following text message ensued.

Me: I found a white hair

Sissy: Aw, it sucks to get old, I feel your pain.

Me: Who said old

Sissy: Ok if it makes you feel better I am the only one getting older here and that white hair was a fluke.

I love my Sister.

Then I sent her a random text that was meant for someone else, and of course it made no sense to her. Which is probably a more telling sign that I’m old, because I stink at text messaging. That is definitely reserved for a younger generation.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Well, my iPod has shuffled off its moral coil. I took it to the genius bar and the technician said, that it could be fixed. BUT… it would be about $40 shy of the cost of a new iPod, so looks like I know what I’m getting from Matt for Christmas!!!

Anyhow, this has made me pretty sad. I decided to write a little something to it as I wish it farewell.

Dear Nano,

We’ve had some great times together, you and I. When I first got you I vowed to take really good care of you and your treating technician told me today that your diagnosis is grave. I asked what I had done to break you. And the tech man’s answer was “use it… a lot.” So first off, I’d like to thank you for your service.

You were there for that very first ½ marathon in Memphis, TN. It was seriously cold that day. And I was questioning why a sane person pays money to run in 38 degree weather. You kept me going for that first 13.1 mile adventure. When my body was aching, my crappy shoes had failed me, my ankles were screaming at me for subjecting them to such punishment, you kept playing and tried to bring on beats of encouragement.

During the training, you filled those hours with song. Occasionally, I would sing out loud. You didn’t judge me for my schizophrenic choice in music. We were Golddiggers with Kanye, we were from the Boondocks with Little Big Town, we were Fergalicious, we had a Little Less Conversation with Elvis, and the list goes on and on.

You were an imperative part of my performance in the second ½ marathon in Nashville. The course was brutal, my goodness the hills. But I turned out my best time and felt pretty good at the end. I could not have done it without you!

You were there when patellar tendinitis struck. You were there when Ashley and I were idiots running in the rain, or wrapped up like Muslims and running in the freezing cold. I’m sure you were glad when we came to our senses about the cold.

At the Homecoming 5 K we were defeated by Matt. That stinker stayed on our tail the whole time and then shimmed right on ahead of us.

We ran our last ½ marathon together last December. Memphis was so much more fun the second time around. We had accomplished so much in that time. You know they had tried to ban you from being there because of the events at the Chicago Marathon. But I said there was no way they were taking my musical motivation away from me, no way.

When school became more demanding and we couldn’t spend time together running, you stepped it up. With your help, I was able to secure an “A” in agency and partnership. I listened to those study guides while grocery shopping, biking with Matt, rocking away on an elliptical, climbing stairs to no where on the stairmaster, or pounding the pavement on a run when I could. I really wish you could have hung on till the bar exam next summer.

Thanks for the memories, and assistance for the past few years.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How's Biscuit?

Biscuit has learned a new skill. She can climb the pen. She jumps on the side of the fence and then climbs it like a ladder.This is not good. Sneaky little devil.

So... much of Saturday morning was spent putting an electric ribbon around the top of the pen. It only took one encounter for Charlotte to understand what it was and what happens when you touch it. Biscuit on the other hand is still testing it.

Escape artist isn’t her only talent. She also can do a pirouette. She does this repeatedly at feeding time. She is a talented little mutt. She and Charlotte are getting along great. Like Peas and Carrots the two of them.

Here's a little video of her skills

Monday, November 10, 2008

Preservation room- where they make delicious jams and jellys*

Last summer we had so much from our garden, and we wanted to be able to preserve as much of it as we could. So Matt and I learned to can. A have also decided to make jelly. We had an abundance of jalapeƱo peppers. So, I made jelly out of some. I love pepper jelly over cream cheese with crackers.

Over the weekend Matt and I picked apples off a tree next to Matt’s parents’ house. I made some Apple jelly and then made my very first attempt at baked apples. They turned out pretty good, and the whole house smelled absolutely divine!

I have a new appreciation for those that have been doing it for years. It’s pretty time consuming to us new comers, and can get pretty tricky with all the boiling water and hot containers that you can’t touch with your hands. Aunt Marilyn, I’m sure you have some wonderful recipes, tips, tricks, or advice that we would love to hear. If any come to mind, you have my email address, feel free to send me one anytime.

I have a feeling that quite a few of our friends may see a this label in a Christmas present this year.

*from the movie National Treasure.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Apparently all I was missing was a big red "A"

The past few months seem to be turning into a huge blur for me. Everything seems to running together and piling on top of each other. Matt and I have been so busy and we’ve been staying pretty exhausted.

Matt was in Murray, KY for a weekend class last weekend so I was a lone duck on Halloween. I went to Betsy and Wayne Abrams house for a chili cook out they have had for a few years now. I dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. I asked my mother to make me a cape, but if you know my mom, and her sewing skills. She made me the whole get up. My mother, like me, is a little meticulous when it comes to some things. She made the cutest outfit for me. I got a lot of compliments. She did so well, she even lined the cape. I hope she is able to teach me how to sew when I get out of school.

My friend Adrienne’s husband, Travis, said that I looked like the woman from the “Scarlett Letter”. Adulterer was not exactly the look I was going for, but I guess it could have passed for Hester Prynne.

I’ll have to get a picture of me in the costume and post it.


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