Tuesday, November 18, 2008

one year closer to joining the AARP.

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been noticing that my hair was in desperate need of a trim. I’ve been trying to let it grow, so every time I would go get my hair cut; I would ask her to leave the length and just trim up the layers.

Well during some of my riveting classes (please notice this is sarcasm because I’m not that big of a nerd), I have begun twiddling with my hair. Which of course lead to the noticing of is scraggly state. And last night I noticed a long solid white strand of hair. Just in time for my birthday, which is just around the corner. I’d be lying if I said that I’ve never found a white hair before, but they are definitely rare. Well, anyhow, my sister has been known to find one or two so I thought I would share the newsflash with her. The following text message ensued.

Me: I found a white hair

Sissy: Aw, it sucks to get old, I feel your pain.

Me: Who said old

Sissy: Ok if it makes you feel better I am the only one getting older here and that white hair was a fluke.

I love my Sister.

Then I sent her a random text that was meant for someone else, and of course it made no sense to her. Which is probably a more telling sign that I’m old, because I stink at text messaging. That is definitely reserved for a younger generation.



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