Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Apparently all I was missing was a big red "A"

The past few months seem to be turning into a huge blur for me. Everything seems to running together and piling on top of each other. Matt and I have been so busy and we’ve been staying pretty exhausted.

Matt was in Murray, KY for a weekend class last weekend so I was a lone duck on Halloween. I went to Betsy and Wayne Abrams house for a chili cook out they have had for a few years now. I dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. I asked my mother to make me a cape, but if you know my mom, and her sewing skills. She made me the whole get up. My mother, like me, is a little meticulous when it comes to some things. She made the cutest outfit for me. I got a lot of compliments. She did so well, she even lined the cape. I hope she is able to teach me how to sew when I get out of school.

My friend Adrienne’s husband, Travis, said that I looked like the woman from the “Scarlett Letter”. Adulterer was not exactly the look I was going for, but I guess it could have passed for Hester Prynne.

I’ll have to get a picture of me in the costume and post it.



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